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The Ultimate Bryson 800 Loadout for Modern Warfare 2

If you're a fan of one-shot potential in Modern Warfare 2, then the Bryson 800 shotgun is the weapon for you. With the right loadout, this shotgun can take down opponents with ease. Call of Duty expert Cbass on YouTube has shared his recommendations for the best Bryson 800 loadout.

To maximize its effectiveness, Cbass suggests equipping the 29.5″ Rifled barrel. This barrel offers increased damage range, tighter pellet spread, and improved bullet velocity, making the shotgun deadlier than ever.

Next, Cbass recommends the Bryson Improved Choke muzzle attachment. While it reduces aim-down-sight speed and recoil steadiness, it significantly enhances damage range and pellet spread. This attachment allows you to take down enemies from a distance with precision.

Surprisingly, Cbass suggests using a laser attachment on the Bryson 800. The VLK LZR 7MW laser provides benefits such as improved aim-down-sight speed, sprint-to-fire speed, and aiming stability. It may not be the typical choice for a shotgun, but it greatly enhances the overall performance of the weapon.

To further improve the Bryson 800, Cbass suggests equipping the Demo X50 Tactical Pump. This attachment increases rechambering speed, crouch movement speed, and aim-down-sight speed, making the shotgun more agile and deadly in close-quarters combat.

Lastly, Cbass recommends using the Sawed Off Mod on the stock slot. This attachment improves aim-down-sight speed, sprint-to-fire speed, movement speed, and hip recoil control. It adds speed and control back to the weapon, compensating for the slower aim-down-sight speed caused by previous attachments.

Cbass' Best Bryson 800 Loadout:

  • Barrel: 29.5″ Rifled barrel (Tuning: -0.32, +0.24)
  • Muzzle: Bryson Improved Choke (Tuning: -0.06, -0.30)
  • Laser: VLK LZR 7MW (Tuning: -0.17, -24.47)
  • Guard: Demo X50 Tactical Pump (Tuning: +0.09, -0.11)
  • Stock: Sawed Off Mod (No tuning)

By following this loadout, you can maximize the potential of the Bryson 800 shotgun and dominate your opponents in Modern Warfare 2.

Source article: This shotgun loadout is a sniper!
Author: Unknown